A new publication on the achievements of the ADRION capitalization process has just been released. It presents the work carried out by all the ADRION Thematic Clusters, the joint initiatives and actions that have been put in place by the projects, including the contribution of PORTODIMARE, HARMONIA, IMPRECO within the Thematic Cluster n. 2 on coastal and marine environment management.

This very first experience promoted by the Programme received very positive feed-backs,  all Cluster’s coordinators highlighted its added value in terms of knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices.

Moreover, highlights from the funded projects, provides the reader with an overview on the whole funding scheme of the Programme which supports the development of innovatve and sustainable solutions to global challenges.

You can find it here: https://www.adrioninterreg.eu/index.php/2021/08/17/the-new-adrion-publication-on-capitalisation-achievements-is-out/